Newsletter Term 1 February 2025
Principals Report
Welcome Back to 2025 School Year
Once again, our HSC results from 2024 were very strong. We rose in the rankings to 110th in the state and we are now the top comprehensive school on the northern beaches. As well as this, we are the 4th top government school in the state in Advanced English, and 10th overall. Incredibly, our average mark for all HSC subjects was 81. We congratulate both students and teachers (and parents of course) for these excellent results.
We recognise that not every student can get the very top band but the combined results show that we are improving all students with very few students in the bottom bands.

We have had a busy start to the year with 161 new year 7 students enrolling with us. They were thrust into the deep end with the camp very early in their time here, with only a few school days before they left for their camp. However, one advantage is that they get to know each other and make some new friends right from the start. From all reports the camp was a great success and year 7 have settled in well and are a beautiful group.
A further way that we make sure that students settle in class is to have a common start to all lessons, 7-12.
This involves a routine of:
- Lining up
- Sitting in designated seating plans
- A do now activity
- Lesson with a set structure
Teachers do this to ensure our classrooms are predictable. The prime benefit is reduced anxiety as students know what is going to happen in a lesson. This not only helps students who come from a trauma background but it ensures all students are calm and ready to learn.
Organisation is also key to learning, as students need to have equipment and books for each lesson. Taking notes and having books in a good order are very important as students can use their notes to revise. By insisting on headings, a margin and dates on the page helps students to keep on track. Parents can assist their young person by reminding them to pack their bags in the evening using their timetable. Please check books are covered, and full names and subjects are on each book.
We all know technology is an essential part of education when used to enhance learning. Students use technology to supplement learning in class, and teachers often put homework tasks on their google classroom or teams. All year 7 will be set up with WIFI access and helped on how to access the Department supplied software. If any new students in other years need help with their laptop, please see Mr Lau our Technical Service Officer in the library.
Our uniform policy is designed so students are not defined by brands and fancy clothes. The uniform identifies our students as a member of our fantastic community and as such all students must remember to be respectful whilst they are out of school as well as inside the gates.
An exciting initiative for schools on the northern beaches, the NSW Department of Educations has paid and negotiated with TAFE to provide short courses, known as My Futures. We will be recommending these courses to students each term.
We have to thank our local member Michael Regan who also assisted in us gaining access to the Educational Pathways Program, this provides help for schools so that students can connect to industry and school based apprenticeships.
Hayley Emmerton
Dennielle Woskanian

I am writing to share the news that after 19 years of dedicated service to Killarney Heights High School, our Deputy Principal, Dennielle Woskanian, will be leaving our school community and taking up a DP role at Lindfield Learning Village. While we are saddened by her departure, we also celebrate the incredible contributions she has made over nearly two decades.
Dennielle has left a lasting legacy in so many aspects of school life, particularly in the areas of music and the school bands, where her passion and leadership have shaped opportunities for countless students. She gave selflessly, leading band tours both overseas and interstate, creating an ongoing culture of performance and sharing the joy of music. Her commitment to organisational excellence has strengthened the systems that support both staff and students, ensuring our school runs smoothly and effectively.
Above all, Dennielle has brought integrity, dedication, and unwavering professionalism to her role as Deputy Principal. She has led with care, fairness, and a deep commitment to student success, always striving to create a learning environment where young people can thrive. Her impact on our school culture—through her leadership, mentorship, and ability to bring people together—will be felt for years to come.
On behalf of the entire school, I extend our deepest gratitude to Dennielle for her years of service, her dedication to our students, and her lasting influence on our school. We wish her all the best in the next chapter of her career and know she will continue to inspire in her new role.
Farewell Ms Wos
Dates to Remember
Tuesday 25 February | School Swimming Carnival |
Thursday 27 February | Year 7 Parent Information Evening |
Monday 3 March | P & C Meeting |
Monday 10 March | Zone Swimming Carnival |
Wednesday 12 March - Monday 24 March | NAPLAN Testing |
Thursday 20 March | Year 12 Parent Teacher Evening |
Thursday 27 March | Year 7 Parent Teacher Evening |
Monday 7 April | School Cross Country |
Friday 11 April | Last Day Term 1 |
Monday 28 April | Staff Development Day |
Tuesday 29 April | Staff Development Day |
Wednesday 30 April | First Day Term 2 for Students |
High Achievers Assembly
On 7th February, we had the privilege of hosting our High Achievers’ Assembly, where we celebrated the exceptional academic results of our Year 12 Class of 2024. These are the students that received a mark of above 90 in the HSC.
A huge congratulations to our High Achievers on their incredible accomplishments!

Photographs taken by Willow Salgo.
Homework 'MILO' Club

It takes a village to raise a child and at KHHS we know how important a little bit of extra support can be. So, if you’re looking for some regular academic assistance for your child, or even just a quiet space for them to work, the KHHS Homework Club is the place to be.
Nicknamed the MILO Club*, our school’s Homework Club is a calm, inclusive and supportive space for Killarney students to work independently and collaboratively with peers. It is also a space for students to seek support from teachers to complete school tasks and work towards their academic potential.
Milo Club sessions are held every Monday and Thursday after school between 3:10pm and 5:00pm in the Library. All students are welcome. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.
Start date: Monday 24th February, 2025 - Week 5, Term 1 (and every week thereafter, Terms 2 - 4)
Monday's session: numeracy focus, hosted by Mr. Chu
Thursday's session: literacy focus, hosted by Ms. Zoeller
Please encourage your children to attend, particularly close to assessment due dates.
* MILO Club = My Independent Learning Opportunity and a place to drink Milo
Ms. Zoeller and Mr. Chu
Year 7 News
In week 3, our Year 7 students embarked on an unforgettable adventure at the Great Aussie Bush Camp. From conquering the giant swing to navigating teamwork challenges, students stepped out of their comfort zones, made new friends, and had an incredible time bonding with their peers.
A huge thank you to our Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, whose guidance and encouragement helped make the experience even more memorable. Their leadership and enthusiasm were invaluable in supporting the younger students as they settled into high school life.
Words from the students:
"Camp was fun because I made new friends and I did fun activities." – Patrick Reyes Zambrano (Year 7)
"I enjoyed camp a lot because of the giant swing and hanging out with friends." – Lucas Barros Luises (Year 7)
Our Peer Support Leaders also had a fantastic experience:
"As a peer support leader on the Year 7 camp, I enjoyed watching the Year 7s get comfortable with each other throughout the camp. I liked seeing how the different personalities interacted with me and each other, and I loved that the camp instructor made sure I had a go on all the activities!" – Seanna Kritsotakis (Year 10 Peer Support Leader)
Year 7 camp was a fantastic way to start the year, setting the foundation for lasting friendships and new challenges. Well done to all students for embracing the experience with such enthusiasm!
Leonie Antoniou
Year 7 Advisor


Expressions of Interest – 2025 Maths Olympiad (Years 7 and 8)
Dear Parents,
We are expanding our Maths Competitions program in 2025! While participation is expected for students in X or S/Y classes (Years 7 & 8), we are excited to open a new team for students from other classes. The Australasian Problem-Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO) is an annual competition for high-achieving students, featuring four contests between May and September:
📅 7 May | 11 June | 30 July | 10 September
The Olympiads focus on problem-solving and personal growth in a fun, supportive environment. Practice sessions will be held during Maths lessons, and selected students will receive preparation kits. More details can be found at
🔹 30 spots available – first-come, first-served! If your child (not in X/S or Y) is interested, they can visit the Maths staffroom, or you can email me directly. I will speak with them and their Mathematics teacher before finalising the list.
💰 Cost: Under $10 for all four contests.
Looking forward to filling these spots soon!
Best regards
Mrs Meenakshi Sharda
Mathematics Teacher
Run Club
Join Our Weekly Run Club and Support the Run Beyond Project!
We’re excited to announce that our weekly Run Club will be continuing this year! This is a fantastic opportunity for students to improve their fitness, make new friends, and work towards a meaningful goal. We meet every Wednesday on the oval at 7.30am.
To see the list of run routes and any updates please join our Google Classroom: bkrhjhw
As part of the Run Club, we proudly support the Run Beyond Project, a charity that empowers young people to achieve their potential through running. To help raise funds for this inspiring cause, we will be holding fundraisers throughout the year.
Our group will also be working hard to attend an upcoming trip to compete in a race, showcasing the dedication and teamwork of our school community.
We’d love your support! If you’d like to contribute to our fundraising efforts, please visit our GoFundMe page:
Also if you would like to look the part please order your Run Beyond Project Merch at:
Let’s run together, make a difference, and achieve greatness in 2025! 🏃♀️🏃♂️
Eddie Payne
Student Support Officer
Free Home Internet for Eligible Students with the School Student Broadband Initiative. To find out if you are eligible click on the following link
Student Achievements

Congratulations to Angus Pike, year 10, who has been selected in the AUSTRALIAN Men's Deaf Cricket Team, touring India Feb 26- Mar 14. Angus is a talented sportsperson having played in our Bill Turner Cup football team last year and is exceptional at a range of sports. He has been playing representative cricket for Manly for a number of years and has been selected by Cricket NSW to be included in the under 15 Academy Squad as part of a development pathway for high performing junior cricketers. Recently, he was selected to attend the National Cricket Inclusion Championships (NCIC) representing NSW in the Men’s Deaf Cricket Team. Due to his strong performance at this competition he was further selected to be a part of the National Australian Men’s team.
We are cheering you on Angus!
School Canteen Update
See below the changes to how payments can be made at the school canteen and the new menu for 2025.

Careers Corner
As we begin a new school year, I am excited to introduce myself as the Careers Adviser. This will be a regular section in our school newsletter, keeping students and families informed about career pathways, opportunities, and important events.
The world of work is evolving rapidly due to advancements in technology, automation, and changing industry demands. This makes career education and development more important than ever. Did you know for the current generation, they are predicted to experience on average 7 industry/occupation changes? It is essential for students to develop adaptable skills, explore different career pathways, stay informed about emerging opportunities and develop their own career portfolio.
My goal is to support students to feel empowered when making informed decisions about their future pathway, whether they are considering university, TAFE, apprenticeships, traineeships, or entering the workforce. Throughout the year, I will be sharing valuable information on work experience, scholarships, subject selection, resume writing, interview skills, and much more.
Some key dates and opportunities coming up this term include:
- Work Experience Program: Information sessions will be held soon for Year 10 students interested in gaining real-world experience.
- Year 11 Mentor Program: Keep an eye out for information about choosing a teacher mentor. This new program has a career focus to help students and their future pathways.
- YES Program EOIs: Selected students in Year 10 will be given the opportunity to participate in the YES Program run by TAFE NSW.
- Year 12 Scholarship and Early Entry workshops: Information sessions are being held this term to support the information that was provided on the Year 12 Google Classroom.
My availability in Terms 1 and 2 is:
Week A: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Week B: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Students are able to come and ask a quick question or book an appointment during recess and lunch 1. Scheduled appointments will occur (when possible) during a student’s free period or lunch 2. Appointments are for 30 minutes or a Future Pathways Interview (50 minutes) can be booked for senior students who need more guidance.
I encourage students (and families) to reach out for career guidance, discuss their aspirations, and explore the many possibilities available. My office which is located at the top corner of E Block is always open for questions, advice, and support.
I look forward to working with you all this year!
Mrs Kiara Williams
Careers Adviser
Band News
Band News
Welcome to all, new and returning student members to our KHHS IMEP for 2025. 2025 is an exciting year for band - this year our senior ensembles are on tour in Adelaide in May and our junior ensembles are off to the Blue Mountains in August.
For any new student to the band program, please arrange to purchase a band shirt from the uniform shop at your very earliest convenience, this will ensure your child is ready for their upcoming band performance events later this term. The required band uniform for all band members at events when representing the school is a blue band shirt, black trousers (no leggings or black jeans) black socks and black school shoes
Our next fundraiser is a BBQ/Cake stall at Chatswood Bunnings on Sat 29 March from 8am - we would love to see you there supporting our program. Please reach out if you would like to assist in anyway, please see below the sign up link to show your support.bbq sign up.
Our first Committee Meeting is on Monday 10 March 7pm at Forestville RSL - all band parents welcome.
We are also looking to fill the position of Band Treasurer so please come along if interested.
You may notice some of our students busking at Northern Beaches Council events - we have been lucky to have been chosen for this and all students are offered the opportunity. Next event is Sunday 2 March at Walter Gors Park, Dee Why for the Bags to Riches event.
If your child is interested in joining our Guitar and Chamber Ensemble Program this year please come along with your instrument and join in on rehearsals as we have spots available for keen and capable students.
Guitar Ensemble- Thursday's 3.15-4.15pm in the Hall Foyer
Chamber Orchestra- Friday's 7.30-8.30am in A7 classroom
New Band Treasurer
We’re looking for a new Treasurer to serve on the Band Committee (also known as IMEP)!
If you have a child in the program at KHHS and have any sort of experience in accounting, bookkeeping or finance, please consider helping us keep this program a dynamic and healthy one with a bright future. Responsibilities include some light bookkeeping (in Xero), some basic budgeting and coordination with the program President and the rest of the Committee around everyday activities for the program. In addition, the Treasurer would also become an officer of the P&C (which is the parent organization over the Band). Our current Treasurer is happy to serve out the rest of this year if need be but would love to hand over their responsibilities and knowledge to a new person whenever possible. Any questions, please reach out to Mr Jay Drezner
Community News